Summer is here and many of us are relaxing and getting refreshed before we go back into the trenches. During some of our time off we seek professional development so we are armed and equipped for new challenges we will face. (because we love what we do and desire to do well) We want to share the work of Ginger Kadlec who works tirelessly to inform educators and parents about sexual abuse. Please take a few minutes to review why some children never tell trusted adults about the sexual abuse they are experiencing. Consider showing this video to your faculty and staff and also use it during one of your parent informational nights.
As counselors and educators, we meet with students who keep many secrets and often we are the first person they trust enough to tell their secret and what is happening to them. Sometimes they realize for the first time exactly what is happening to them and they look for the trusted adult.
But the sad truth is that some children never tell anyone what is going on and this video presentation by Ginger Kadlec explains why kids chose to keep their secret:
Sadly, nearly 3/4 of all children who are sexually abused keep their abuse a secret for at least a year. Another 45% don’t tell anyone about their abuse for 5 years; still others never tell.
So, why do so many children keep abuse a secret? Here are 10 reasons children don’t disclose abuse.

Find out more about Ginger and her work here:
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