Sentence Completion Activity
to help students name feelings.
Many times, students express themselves with only three feelings: happy, sad, angry. Use this activity to get them to recognize and define other feelings.
Complete the following sentences
using a feeling. Try to use a different
feeling for each sentence.
When someone is rude
to me I feel
When someone is kind to me I feel
If I were given a surprise party I
would feel
When I say something stupid I feel
If someone bullied me on-line I
would feel
When all of my friends are out of
town I feel
Just before test grades are passed
out, I feel
When I talk to someone I really
like I feel
When I am criticized I feel
When I win at a sport I feel
Can you name different
feelings? Did you think of some of
mad, sad, depressed, annoyed, happy, elated, terrified, worried, distraught,
confused, lonely, excited, stressed, fatigued, anxious, nervous, belittled,
surprised, relaxed, frustrated, degraded
Wilhelm is a National Board Certified Counselor with experience in mental
health and school counseling. She enthusiastically presents to
counselors, teachers, youth workers, and parents on anger, stress, crises intervention,
communication, data, counseling programs, play sessions, and more. Contact Grace at It is play therapy for schools.
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