Start out the new school school year with fresh ideas.
We show you how to use everyday, familiar games to teach counseling strategies. Use games like Don't Break the Ice, Jenga, Topple, and Pick-up-Sticks.
* anger control
* stress management
* how to make friends
* create goals
* how to get unstuck with a problem
* make good decisions
* study skills
* test taking tips
* organizational skills
* communication skills
* build better relationships
* learn about boundaries with parents and friends
and so much more...
You don't have to buy expensive games from a catalog with so many pieces and rules and directions that are hard to play and complicated. Forget that! Use games kids already know, tweak the rules and directions to integrate your lessons into the game. We show you how.
You can have small groups and individual counseling sessions that are
engaging, creative and FUN!
The techniques also work in classroom settings.
Use pick-up-sticks to teach students about relationships.
Use Jumpin' Monkeys to teach students about setting

Our DVDs show you how to make it happen. Watch the demonstrations. Get your creative juices flowing! Your counseling program can be engaging, creative and FUN!
Price: $37 each or Buy both now for $57
Check out the Order Tab and save more with the Play Pack.
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