What's included in the Play Pack?
* Topple
* Tumble
* Jumpin' Monkeys
* Games and Play DVD Volume I
* Games and Play DVD Volume II
* FREE Giant Pick-Up Sticks
DVD include demonstrations on how to use everyday games with play therapy techniques.
It's EASY!
We show you how to integrate play therapy into your lessons. Use games to teach students how to make friends, study and organizational skills, how to control anger, reduce bullying, get better grades and more!
Creative, Engaging and FUN!
What's better? We show you how to use games you already have, simple everyday games like playing cards, Barrel of Monkeys, and pick-up sticks.
It's right here.
Purchase the Play Pack at counselorgames.com
Purchase for Teacher Appreciation or End of the Year Gift and receive Giant Pick-Up Sticks FREE!
This offer is good until May 31, 2015.
order now at counselorgames.com
Giant Pick-up Sticks will automatically come with Play Pack orders in May.
Johanna Lawson
Special Education Teacher
"I have observed Grace as she worked with middle school students with the games. What I noticed was their genuine engagement in the process and the "aha’s" when they were able to understand a concept that related to a life skill! What better way to effectively learn how to manage emotions, get along with others, and the importance of choices than through having fun!!"
Barbara Pepper, PhD, LMHC
National Board Certified Counselor
Questions? Contact info@counselorgames.com
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